This episode was previously only available to paid subscribers, but by popular request we are making it available this week to everyone. Matt Lowry, LPP shares one of his most formative books on Gestalt Therapy.
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In this episode you will hear:
The Perls’ groundbreaking ideas such as believing that your clients are reasonable humans and meeting people where they are!
Approaching each client as a unique and worthy human who may need an individualized approach in order to heal.
What your dreams really mean.
The benefits of approaching each therapy session like an experiment.
“Gestalt is essentially the working with a whole.”
“Every session started by her asking me things like, ‘how are you’ or ‘how do you feel?’ And that pretty much took up the whole session with me trying to figure out how to answer that question. Then, I would end up crying about the fact that question was hard and I didn't know the answer to it…But nobody mentioned things like alexithymia, which might have been helpful to know.”
“That's actually like the biggest thing…Trying to translate the mysterious signals of one's meat body into understandable things.”
What have your experiences in therapy been like? What modalities have you found helpful or harmful?
Buy the book: Creative Process in Gestalt Therapy
Episode 47: Autistic Centered Therapy - AuCT
Episode 36: Bad Autism Diagnosis
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