Wikipedia's Autistic Editors: Unsung Heroes and Exploitation in the Digital Knowledge Space
Autistic podcast hosts Dr. Angela Lauria and Matt Lowry, LPP discuss Wikipedia's reliance on autistic editors and volunteers, highlighting the platform's alignment with autistic strengths in organizing information and sharing special interests.
They explore how autistic traits like data hunger and justice sensitivity contribute to more inclusive and diverse content on Wikipedia.
The hosts examine tensions around defining "neutrality" in controversial topics, noting how autistic editors often focus on "what is right" rather than "who is right."
The podcast reveals concerning patterns of ableism within Wikimedia's management, including:
Harassment and discrimination against autistic employees
Mocking and demeaning autistic editors behind the scenes
Exploitation of free autistic labor while fundraising off their contributions
They discuss the case of "Jane," a former autistic Wikimedia employee who faced bullying after disclosing her autism diagnosis, leading to an EEOC complaint she later dropped due to burnout.
The hosts critique "A-Spectrumers" within the company who perpetuate internalized ableism and neuronormativity through bullying and use of functioning labels.
They urge listeners to support local Wikipedia chapter groups often run by autistics, rather than donating to Wikimedia's central fundraising efforts.
The podcast encourages privileged autistic individuals to become high-edit count editors to change Wikipedia's culture from within, while prioritizing mental health.
Overall, the episode explores the complex relationship between Wikipedia's autism-friendly platform and its problematic management practices, calling for greater recognition and fair treatment of autistic contributors.
How has ableism affected you in the work place? Tell us in the comments and use #AutisticCultureCatch to share your answer on your social media and connect with other listeners!
Show notes and resources:
Wikipedia’s definition of ableism
How to become a Wikipedia editor
Thread: Autism Spectrum Wrongly Described In Wikipedia
Thread: Wikipedia likes us!
Wikipedia:High-functioning autism and Asperger's editors
Article: Wikipedia accused of bullying former autistic employee with claims of a toxic work culture
Article: Alex St John’s Ideas About Game Development Are Terrifying
Other episodes to check out if you liked this one:
Episode 04: Industrial Light & Magic is Autistic
Episode 35: Sex is Autistic (Alfred Kinsey episode)
Episode 38: Productivity is Autistic
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Learn more about Matt at Matt Lowry, LPP
Matt’s social media: Autistic Connections Facebook Group
Learn more about Angela at AngelaLauria.com and Difference Press
Angela’s social media: Twitter and TikTok
TACP’s Autism-affirming TeePublic merch shop

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