This episode originally aired on January 31, 2023 under the title “Greta is Autistic.”
“We can no longer let the people in power decide what is politically possible. We can no longer let the people in power decide what hope is. Hope is not passive. Hope is not blah, blah, blah. Hope is telling the truth. Hope is taking action. And hope always comes from the people.” – Great Thunberg
We’re with you, Greta!
“She's putting herself out there to do the hard work that other people may not be able or willing to do.”
“As a sensitive people—and even just our sensory sensitivities—make us even more attuned to the climate crisis and how it affects us, like, right now! Like, already.”
“I think autistic people have a spidey sense and are able to find each other in the room.”
“It's very tough to be Autistic in an Allistic world, especially if you don't know that you're Autistic.”
“And it led Time Magazine to name her their 2019 “Person of the Year.” And, everyone was nice to her and she was accepted and beloved by all. Oh, wait—nope!
“She fights the good fight. And I have massive respect for that.”
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Episode 03: Poetry is Autistic (The Emily Dickinson episode)
Episode 09: Fairy Tales are Autistic
Episode 24: The Trouble with Temple
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Environmental Justice {Fan Favorite Re-drop #8}