Matt Lowry, LPP, gives his co-host, Dr. Angela Lauria, a special infodump about one of his idols: George Lucas.
Lucas’s early life, including his relationship with his Vader (“father”).
The vital role that PDA played in Lucas’s first film company. Plus, the many Autistic traits that helped Lucas to think outside of the box and change the way that movies are made.
Movie casting and socializing with the actors - Autistic style!
George Lucas’s personal journey from scrappy Rebel to lord of Empire.
“George Lucas is a socially awkward man who does not like eye contact or small talk, loves talking about: cars, things that move fast, technology, film editing. He loves mythology. He loves sociology. He loves how myth can make the world a better place. He's got a lot of social justice sensibilities. Yeah, I really think that there is a lot of evidence that says that he firmly belongs enshrined in the Autistica Hall of Fame.”
“He had a lot of new outside-of-the-box ideas. He did not follow traditional patterns. He was very, very much a learner.”
“Carrie Fisher said he had two directions: ‘Faster and more intense!’”
“But he said, ‘Fuck the systems. Fuck all the systems. I am out of the systems. I'm going to do the things the way that I want to do them.’ Because PDA.”
“She is and will always be an icon. She is one with The Force. May she rebel in peace.”
“He changed the way that movies were made.”
Are you a George Lucas fan? Or, are you a passionate filmmaker? Tell us about it in the comments!
George Lucas' father issues unfold on film
Book: Empire Building: The Remarkable Real Life Story of Star Wars by Gary Jenkins
Video (45 min): Icons Unearthed: Star Wars Empire of Dreams
Video (64 min): From Star Wars to Jedi: The Making of a Saga
Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth
Episode 04: Industrial Light & Magic is Autistic
Episode 37: Motion Pictures are Autistic
Episode 64: Taylor Swift is Autistic
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Learn more about Matt at Matt Lowry, LPP
Matt’s social media: Autistic Connections Facebook Group
Learn more about Angela at and Difference Press
Angela’s social media: Twitter and TikTok
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