This episode originally aired on November 15, 2022 under the title “Industrial Light & Magic is Autistic”
“If you're able to find a job where your monotropic state is not just valued but rewarded, you will be an incredibly successful Autistic person.”
“Monotropic focus is the outcome of having a hyper-connected Autistic brain. When we love something, we love it to such a degree that we get into this zone. Csikszentmihalyi talked about the state of Flow.”
“In order to create something that has never been created, he needed to have people who had skills that have never been used before, who had never been appreciated, who were not limited by this neurotypical view.”
“Due to our monotropism we are data seekers. We are not happy unless we are gathering every single scrap of data we can, and learning everything we can about it.”
“I think that they speak the same language, that they knew that they were of the same culture and that made them not just form a bond, but the bond that they formed was incredible and has lasted over 50 years.”
Have you been a part of an accidentally-Autistic group where you flourished? Tell us about it in the comments!
Fan Favorite Game, design #9 (get yours here)
Play the game! Fan Favorites Game rules
George Lucas is Autistic (Episode 74)
Episode 30: Doctor Who is Autistic
Episode 10: Star Trek is Autistic
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Learn more about Matt at Matt Lowry, LPP
Matt’s social media: Autistic Connections Facebook Group
Learn more about Angela at and Difference Press
Angela’s social media: Twitter and TikTok
TACP’s Autism-affirming TeePublic merch shop
Star Wars {Fan Favorite Re-drop #9}